Adult Ministries
The Rector's Forum
Explore lessons on Sunday morning at 9:00am in a conversational style by examining the topics related to the Christian Faith through topical and practical studies that relate to issues facing people today. During this time, we walk through the Bible, creeds and confessions of the Church, Church history, theology, and other topics of interest.
Wednesday Bible Study
Join this discussion-based Bible study on Wednesday mornings at 11am which focuses on a specific book of the Bible or the Biblical basis for a particular doctrine of the Church. We typically study a book of the New Testament, a book of the Old Testament, and then a topic of theology such as the Trinity or the Atonement.
The Men of Saint Thomas'
This is our Men’s Group at the church. We meet every other week. We study a book of the Bible for a couple of weeks and then have a fellowship event or service project. We meet at a different place each week so call the church office at 713-666-3111 to find out where for that week.
The Baking Ministry
We have some wonderful bakers in our congregation who love to bake for us and you! This ministry bakes for everything from picnics to hospitality after church to shut-ins to Friday Fun Nights, and everything in between.