Worship Ministries
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild prepares the altar, communion vessels and the priests’ vestments for all services, and maintains them between services. They also provide wine and bread for communion. In addition to regular Sunday services, the Altar Guild helps prepare for weddings, funerals, and baptisms, and decorates the Church for holidays and other special occasions.
Lay Ministers
In Episcopal churches, lay people take active roles in our worship services. At Saint Thomas’, these are:
Lay Readers
Lay Readers read the Bible lessons for the day, and, in services without music, they lead the congregation in reciting the psalms and canticles.
Chalice Bearers
Aid in the worship service by joining the Priests and Deacons (ordained clergy) at Holy Communion and administering the Cup.
Worship Leaders
In addition to clergy, lay members are invited to lead services of Morning and Evening Prayer.
With a warm and gracious spirit, ushers welcome all people to our services in the name of Jesus Christ. They help those needing assistance, whether because of unfamiliarity with the service, or due to infirmity.
Welcome members and visitors with a smile, hug, or handshake as they arrive for worship through the church doors.
Hospitality Ministry
Hospitality is a part of being Christian and, in particular, Episcopalian. Serving as a coffee hour host is one way we express hospitality and love each on Sunday mornings following our service. This time together is an opportunity to meet and greet one another and introduce ourselves to visitors as well as to share the joys and experiences since we last gathered as a worshiping community.
Please consider signing up to provide refreshments during this time. We are a growing congregation so we are asking for 4-6 dozen items most Sundays. In the sign-up Genius linked in the Epistle and on the website under WorshipMinistries (Hospitality Ministry) there is the opportunity for up to 3 people or a group/ministry to sign up to provide refreshments. Refreshments can be homemade or store-bought.
Remember to thank those providing refreshments to give us a little boost between breakfast and lunch. We thank the usher teams for faithfully providing refreshments on the second Sunday of each month.
For questions about Worship ministries, please contact the Parish Administrator at 713.666.3111 or via info@ste.church.
The order of acolytes is one of the most ancient ministries in the Church. Acolytes carry flags, crosses, and banners during the service. They also assist the clergy of Saint Thomas’ with preparing the altar for Holy Communion. Young men and women who have been confirmed (6th- 12th grade) are invited to join this ministry.
Torch Bearers
Torchbearers add to the majesty of our service through the carrying of torches, and are an example of reverent and joyful worship to the entire congregation. The order of torchbearers gives our younger men and women (ages 8-12) the opportunity to become a more active and visible part of our liturgy.
For questions about Acolytes and Torch Bearers, please contact the Church Administrator at 713.666.3111 or via church@stes.org.